There are a number of tools to help HR and hiring managers assess candidates. It seems the lower the level position, the more complex the assessment. I have frequently seen IQ type tests used for minimum wage jobs. I relate these test to many student's comments about math, "Where will I ever determine the area of a trapezoid? "
Take two cities 87 miles apart. A train is traveling at 42 mph towards one town and a car is traveling at 55 mph back towards the train's origin town. At one point do they intersect. Who cares as long as the car isn't on the train tracks?
An elevator holds 2500 pounds. Susie, Paul, Mary and Bill take up 60% of the capacity. Paul weighs 155 pounds, Mary 108 and Bill's been eating twinkies. How much does Susie weight? Well, every time I'm in an elevator, this really concerns me. NOT.
This is not to say math has no purpose, because it does. This is not to say all assessments are bad, because I've seen and used many excellent ones. This is to ask, are the right assessments used for the right purpose? Back in the 80's there was a major move from IQ, Intellectual Quotient, to EQ, Emotional Quotient, to assess candidates. There were many good books written about this alternative to evaluating candidates. Why do we still see IQ on minimum wage jobs? Because some companies just don't change.
As I said earlier, there are a lot of good assessments out there. The good ones emulate the work environment, are dialogue based and reveal the candidates experiences and/or thought processes, without determining Susie's weight. Also sad, these test are all online, as are most application processes.
A question you may ask, "A minimum wage job candidate may be fresh out of High School or College, with no previous work experience. How do I assess them?" Talk to them! The best assessment is face-to-face. Character can be revealed in presentation, speech, vocabulary, appearance, etc. What they did for extracurricular activities, classes they studied or part-time jobs can also reveal character. (Side note - unless your hiring for an academic based position, GPA is irrelevant. GPA just indicates the candidate can absorb and regurgitate information. Think EQ, not IQ).
"But I don't have time to personally interview candidates, in a high turnover, minimum wage based, industry." One fact about minimum wage jobs, there will always be high turnover. Hopefully, this is because people want to grow.
What about mid and higher level positions? The same rule applies. Talk to them! The best assessments are live and the same qualities are revealed, as for minimum wage positions. There is a big advantage in this environment, you can use the infamous HR statement, "tell me a time when ... " It works. Pre-qualification can come from the résumé.
Candidates, you can assess the company by their hiring practices and once you gain a live interview, assess the interviewer on the same characteristics as mentioned above. After all, matching candidates and companies is a two-way street (and not the street with a train and car headed for a collision). See my previous post discussing culture.
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